Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Anxiety Relief in a Variety of Creative Forms

Technology and Life 
While you talk with the co-worker or friend you may realize how everyone seems so busy.  It's easy to notice that the average person may tell how they constantly feel rushed.  Our schedules become more and more full with deadlines and long to do lists.  It's a constant race against the clock and makes our heart rate speed when thinking about it.  With the increase of technology the rate of anxiety among the average person has risen even higher.  More children and adults are being diagnosed with panic attacks and anxiety disorders.  However, we all suffer from anxiety to some level.   We all deal with stress and it's literally impossible to avoid.  It's easy to notice and you can see the effects on people in the grocery stores, parking lots, roads and even on the public transportation system.  I've witnessed some horrible interactions among strangers, that I can only excuse to stress and anxiety.  We try to take comfort in our own homes.  However, some people even write about the rise of the gated communities.  Unfortunately, it is obvious that we even feel anxiety in our homes as well.
Individual Coping Mechanisms
So, we all deal with stress and anxiety differently.  I think we would all agree we all just want to live peaceful, happy and meaningful lives.  However, this all depends on how we handle the stressful situations in our lives.  We all can not walk away from stress and anxiety when it occurs.   It's almost impossible to avoid it and some have developed good coping mechanism for the most part.   

Probably the most common of anxiety causing areas of our lives, is with our work.  Many of us find our work to be very stressful.  For many, unfortunately our careers have become merely a pay cheque and a means to survive financially.   However, in the corporate world expressing your true feelings can be a road to disaster.  So, we learn to play the survival game and bottle things up inside.  In job interviews the most common question is "how do you handle stress?" 
Anxiety Releasing Activities
More people are looking for ways to find anxiety releasing activities in their daily lives.  Meditation and yoga are becoming more common among our culture.   Sports and other forms of recreation are proven to be socially acceptable and beneficial to our physical nature to handle stress and emotional bonding.  The rise of endorphins helps us deal with our high stress levels.  A lot of people simply find themselves switching careers and looking for work more emotionally satisfying with less stress involved.   And of course many people turn to alternative ways of healing.  There are many different forms of therapy today other than the psychotherapy.  Simply talking to a trained therapeutic professional may be helpful in finding coping mechanism to deal with anxiety.

The Creative Process
Studies have shown that expressive arts are an excellent tool for dealing with stress and anxiety.  Journal writing is very common and provides an outlet for anxiety and stress.  Music, visual arts, photography, movement and dance are also excellent resources for calming and helping people cope with everyday life issues.  These expressive arts are considered therapeutic and helpful.  However, a trained guided therapist such as an art therapist is often recommended.  Without this self disciplined professional training, the arts will not have the same effect for those who suffer from a higher level of anxiety and issues.   Finding the right therapist is also something to seriously consider as well.  Trust takes time in the therapeutic relationship but if you find you are not expressing yourself well enough and not being heard it may not be a good fit.   In extreme cases with anxiety, it may be biological and medication may be necessary.   This all depends on the individual and the situation.
Social Circles Beware
Anxiety takes on many forms and is different for each individual.  It can be difficult to understand another level of anxiety and can trigger our own anxiety hearing about our friends problems.  Being social can help alleviate anxiety but it may also worsen your situation if you do not have the proper supports in your social circle of friends and family.  I have noticed this with conversations among friends when it comes to finances.  One person discusses their stress and anxiety to the second party and they soon become more agitated and show signs of rising anxiety too.  For the mild cases of anxiety ridden people, sometimes a "time out" is helpful.  Find a place you like to go, or explore your neighbourhoods until you find a place that you enjoy.  I take pleasure in history, arts and architecture.   So  I discovered the historic Distillery District which also has many artist studios, galleries and theatres which i find inspirational and gives me hope. My anxiety level decreases when I feel these other emotions and learn to let go.  This is the true challenge with anxiety and stress.   Learning to let go to that which we can not control.  Life is short and to be stress free can simply mean to learn to be present in the moment, and hopeful for our future.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011