Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Four New Photo Challenges With Lenzr April 1 - June 1 2011

It's Time for the Best Cottage Moments, Weather The Storm, Shiny Metal Surfaces, What's In The Fridge

That's right, photographers need to constantly challenge themselves and that's what Lenzr is promoting.  Spring is here and it's time to dig through old photos or start taking some new ones.  Set some goals, give yourself realistic deadlines, and make a plan and implement it.  The new Lenzr contest objectives have been set and the prizes are still incredible considering it's free to enter your pics.  

My favourite photo contest is Best Cottage Moments because it reminds me a summer memories with family and friends in the great outdoors.   It's usually a time to relax and spend time doing things that you want to do, not things that are necessary.  Many people have family cottages and cabins passed down through generations and have the pleasure to unwind in a home away from home.  I think of the loons on the lake that have been there every summer.   Their dream like calls transform me to place of nostalgia.  It's almost as if I can here them say that you are not alone, none of us are.  We are all connected.  Well, that's what I like to think the Lake Loon is calling out.  The Sony Cyber-shot H70 prize is given to the winner with the best photo thanks to a connection with a Muskoka Cottage.  It's a perfect place to take quality photos.   

The next photo contest of my list of favs is the What's In Your Fridge contest.  I am a bit of foodie at times and catch myself throughout the day wondering what I've got to work with in my fridge at home.  It sounds lame but the fridge can be a work of art.  I have heard of a photographers going around the world to take photos of food consumption in different countries.  I heard the comparison was profound.  Well, this contest doesn't have to be that profound but imagination is required.  Look for objects in your fridge that would be great compositions.  Try different lighting techniques. Is your light switch acting strange like mine.  Good opportunity to explore this potential for a great photo.  The person with the best photo according to the judges will win 500 dollars worth of groceries thanks to the sponsors who specializes in printable coupons in Canada.  They even make it possible to share coupons on your mobile phone or on one of your favourite social networking sites. 
The next contest in line with Lenzr is Shiny Metal Surfaces.  This is a good challenge and I am already impressed with the photos that have been submitted.  It's such a great chance to use your photography skills to illuminate the ordinary objects.  You do have to search out the metal surfaces that catch your eye.  Try different macro lenses and lighting techniques.  Show us that metal is cool.  Think of things such as knobs, key rings, nails, hammers and metal railings that provide support.  The contest winner will get a Sony Cyber-shot digital camera that has a 10 x optical zoom lens and HD movie mode along with other great features.  Thanks to people who are experts in metal panels this prize is available to the best photo owner.  

The last but not least Lenzr photo challenge is the Weather the Storm contest.  It's great for those who love to chase tornadoes down.  Just kidding, well partially.  You don't have to chase down the tornadoes but capture natures elements in the throws of a storm.  This can be a very expressive form of photography.  It's not easy to capture but I have confidence there will be some amazing rain storms, thunder storms, hail experiences and gusty winds to see.   The best stormy weather photo will be the recipient of a Sony digital camera with a 16.1 megapixel, and sweep panorama mode and an optical steady shot image feature.  Thanks to a commercial roofing company who helps support us from natures elements.   

The four photo contest have started as of  April 1st. The online voting begins process begins    May 15th 2011 and will be finished  May 25th 2011.  The top ten photos of each contest will be moved to the judging process where a winner will be decided upon.  
Photo lovers get our your cameras, set a objective, a plan a implement it.  Upload your photos on the Lenzr site and promote yourself with some brief story telling for the public.  Check out other photos for inspiration and encouragement.  Best of luck.    

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