Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Marketing Options for Artists and their Small Businesses

Advertising and Marketing Strategies

A painting done by toronto art therapist ruth wilgress using computer components

Business and marketing is a fundamental part of life. Being a visual artist, teacher, photographer, writer and art therapist working on my own small business I rely on the possibilities of advertising and marketing. Networking is essential for small business owner who need incoming revenue to support their services or products. Researching all of your target potential for each possible option and developing a strategy is not something that should be taken lightly. There are many resources out there, and some are more cost effective than others all depending on your business.

Printable Coupons to Charity Work

Explore and discover such as I did while starting my own business that there are many effective, annoying and inspiring ways to attract customers. There are fund-raising contribution that can prove to be very time consuming. There are even printable coupons that you can offer to people to get your services out there. Looking for the most reachable with the lowest cost is the ideal objective. There are various online strategies that can be time consuming and take a lot of knowledge. The effective methods are also constantly changing. This is not a simple strategy solution for the DIY small business. The digital media outcomes are constantly changing and you need to be up to date on all aspects or it will not be a successful choice. Google is constantly in a state of change and it's difficult to become on the first page. Do charity project work and help promote yourself as well. I tried helping out in a project called Paint for Bangladesh which is a great cause and also improves my online presence.

Digital Media and Radio Advertising

Your business strategy doesn't necessarily have to be innovative and new. There is also radio advertising as a possible solution. Print advertising is another choice and some consider it to be old school. These options should both be considered because they may be cost effective depending on your target. Have a good media strategy. It is imperative to a successful small business. There are many things to consider and a plan is necessary. I have decided with my small business and knowledge that I will take the online route. I want my services to be searched for on line. I realize that strong links are important and I decided to pay a digital media agency a small fee to do this for me. I appreciate the option of online marketing and what I can contribute to it as well. Think about what your mandate is and what you want your brand to be. Help out others along the way. My advice to other small business owners whether it's part time or full time, think rationally and consider all of your options. As Artists we should explore the right side of the brain, but don't forget the left side thinking process as well.