Monday, November 14, 2011

Contemporary Erotica Art At The Roncy Street Gallery

Christian Aldo 

A friend of mine received a phone call from a contact, he made while exploring the Arts Market in the Distillery District, from a Christian Aldo.  He is the owner of The Roncy St. Gallery and was having an exhibition one night event.  He was hoping for a big attendance with lots of sales on a rather mild for November Saturday evening. My friend dragged me along for the event thinking I would enjoy it.
Erotic Art Theme

I didn't realize the theme until I entered the door to the gallery.  There were a variety of artists displaying their paintings and sculpture centered on eroticism.  I immediately noticed the life sized ani-morphed image of a cougar.  It was a little disturbing for some people who were not prepared, but creative non the less.  But like I said there was a wide variety of art based on the theme. If the gallery was looking for shock value Erotica is a common topic to explore. 

Sculpture and Relief 

Christian Aldo has been a working artist for twenty years.  He has also been making his art by recycling denim into 3d base relief paintings.  This is the art work that caught my friends attention.  Recycled items is  a common interests as I use computer components and  collage little tiny pieces into my paintings including reed switches.  Christian has had The Roncy Street Gallery running for a year and has his studio attached.  He organized other visual artists to exhibit on Sat Nov 12th erotic theme art party at the Roncy Street Gallery - 394 Roncesvalles Ave (next to the Revue Cinema.  In the display window you can see Christains interesting life size robot sculptures against a red backdrop set as a stage.
Variety of Art Work From Different Cultural Perspectives

The Roncy Street Gallery is not the typical gallery you might see in Toronto.  The rooms have a rustic character but the prices were reasonable priced for originals.  You had to explore the space to find the art including the trip to the basement.  Not the ideal location for the display of contemporary art but one that has an authentic appeal for sure. If you don't like the sterile quality of most galleries you might enjoy exploring the creations at the Roncy St..  I am particular about the information of the material the artist used and background info on the artist thoughts and background.  Thus I was disappointed with the labeling of the art work only giving the artist name and the title.   Sometimes people need more of anonymous background before they make such a purchase investment in the art world.  Perhaps The Roncy St. Gallery will provide more information in future showings to further promote the art sales they desire.